Keep Your Employees Safe


Editor’s Note: Here at Dispatches, we are always looking for ways to help our readers do things. For some of our readers, that means helping navigate the working world, for others, it means assisting in the ever challenging question,“what’s for dinner?” For still others, it means figuring out how to balance family life with everything else. In an effort to aid in all of these endeavors, we have collaborated on this article written specifically for our readers.

Workplace injuries can be devastating for employees and employers. A lot of people associate workplace injuries with construction. However, health and safety incidents can occur in all kinds of workplaces.

Protecting Your Business Before going into the kinds of risks your workplace might face, some measures can help all businesses. Many people who are put out of work with injuries seek compensation. It’s worth investing in (and may even be required in your state) workers compensation insurance. This will protect the financial interests of your business and your employees in an accident. Protection from harm is one of the main things your employees expect from an employer. It’s better to identify risks in advance and prevent them from happening. Here are some of the problems that can occur in different workplaces.

Work Premise Problems
Sometimes, all it takes is a poorly maintained building to affect workers for the worse. Some buildings have asbestos in the walls, which can cause anyone inside severe health issues if exposed. Poor ventilation can cause headaches, fatigue and shortness of breath. It can be particularly problematic to those with asthma. Indoor contaminants such as carbon dioxide, toxic mold and chemicals can also cause health issues. If workers get sick due to the premises, the building owner can be liable.

You don’t have to work in a high-risk environment to experience health problems- even offices have their own risks. Falls and slips are the most common accidents. The amount of electrical equipment can often lead to a lot of wiring on the floor. Broken chairs and wet floors can also cause problems. Office employees may also develop some problems from sitting at a desk all day. Ergonomic chairs or standing desks can help alleviate back issues. Looking at a screen for too long can affect people’s eyesight. Employers should put safety measures in place to protect workers.

Restaurants, cafes and other food service companies have other issues to try to mitigate. Expired food must be disposed of properly to avoid bacteria spreading or customers getting sick. These kinds of businesses also need to be especially careful of slips and falls. Food dropped or liquid spilled on the floor can make owners liable if a customer or employee falls and hurts themselves. Extra focus on cleaning is required. Employers also need to give chefs and cooks regular breaks. Repetitive use of utensils in food preparation can cause RSI in the wrists, arms and shoulders.

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