Little places your business might be leaking money

Editor’s Note: Here at Dispatches, we are always looking for ways to help our readers do things. For some of our readers, that means helping navigate the working world, for others, it means assisting in the ever challenging question,“what’s for dinner?” For still others, it means figuring out how to balance family life with everything else. In an effort to aid in all of these endeavors, we have collaborated on this article written specifically for our readers.

You always need to be thinking about costs when you’re running a business. when you’re considering costs for your budget make sure to account for the the little parts of your business. Look for little places your business might be leaking money.

Printing Costs
Do you know how much does your business spend on paper and printing each year? Not to mention the maintenance of old printers and the purchase of new ones. You might want to consider a service like printer rental from Paperclick and get everything you need for a fraction of the cost. These services also include other vital solutions such as IT support. You can get everything with one payment and completely cover all that your business needs. It’s that easy, and it will save you a fortune.

Running an office, you’ll need to buy a lot of different pieces of equipment. Some will be large like laptops and computers. Others will be small such as pens and pencils. Would you believe that the cost of buying pens and pencils can amount to the same as getting laptops for your staff? It’s true, and this cost is usually high for one of the silliest reasons. Business owners don’t bother to check different suppliers. Due to this, they pay an extra ten pence on each pencil that they buy. That might not seem like a lot. But if you’re running a big office and buying thousands of pens and pencils, it’s going to add up.

It’s more cost-effective to market your business online. Most business owners tend to section their marketing campaign, diversifying it. Doing this, they hire different individuals and companies for separate jobs. They might have a web designer, an SEO expert and a marketing consultant. All of these individuals are receiving different paychecks. In some cases, you could be paying for the same type of service twice. Web design is almost always going to overlap with SEO. It’s far better to hire a marketing agency that can complete all these jobs for you. That way, you’ll only be paying one cost at the end of the month for marketing.

Energy Costs
Last but not least is the cost of energy. You probably don’t give too much thought to how much you’re paying for energy each month. You might have even grown accustomed to the fairly large amount of cash that leaves your account to pay for gas and electricity. However, you should know you’re probably being overcharged. Energy supply rates differ and unless you’re regularly checking it’s unlikely you’re getting the best deal.

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