Thoughts on Guest Posting

Yesterday was my first official guest blog post. While I’ve offered opinions and suggestions here and there to other bloggers, I’ve never written an entire post for someone else before.

The entire experience was exciting. It was everything I loved about journalism, writing, interviewing, answering questions, and working with like-minded people but without all the stuff I hated!

It’s flattering to be asked to guest post. To me, it meant my ideas and writing style is not only compatible with people I admire, but that those people are interested in what I have to say.

I was lucky because Jeff Esposito offered me guidance in the topics he wanted me to write given the content already on his blog. He gave me a few options and let me choose the one I thought would be the best fit. I was surprised at how easy it was to take the topic and make it my own, while still maintaining the integrity of his blog.

I hope to return the favor in the near future and have some guests post here.

2 thoughts on “Thoughts on Guest Posting

  1. Aurora – more than happy to have you whenever you want to post. I am also glad that you found the experience beneficial. Let me know if you ever want the favor repaid.

    1. Jeff,
      You’ve been a really great mentor and I absolutely found the experience beneficial. Of course I would love to have you guest blog here! Let me get the next couple weeks organized and get back to you about when.
      Thanks again for everything

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