Informational Interviews

Recruiters often use informational interviews to determine whether or not to submit you as a candidate to their client. It’s crucial that you treat this interview the exact same way as you would an interview with a hiring manager.

That means wearing your interview suit, arriving early and preparing questions for the interviewer.

It also means, that the recruiter is making sure you will represent him well. After all, if he submits you for an open position and you show up a wreck, the company isn’t likely to continue working with the recruiter. You need to make sure you match what is on your resume and cover letter and are personable.

Research the recruiter just like you would the hiring manage. Google the person, check Linked In. Check the recruiter’s company online. Be prepared to answer questions about your job history and where you see yourself in five years. Have answers for the other regular interview questions , such as what are your weaknesses (hint: being a perfectionist is not it!), past failures, and what you’d like to improve.

Some additional tips:

  • Show how you are a team player, give an example of working on a team project.
  • Explain how to intend to add value to your future employer.
  • How do you manage your time, can you work on multiple projects at once?
  • Don’t answer with yes, but. Instead answer with yes and an example.

Don’t be afraid to ask the recruiter how you can improve your chances. Should you rework your resume or cover letter? Go ahead and ask what made him give you a call. Ask him what kind of company or role he sees you working best in.

Most of all be confident! You obviously have a desirable skill set and are meeting with a person who can help you more forward in the application process. Good luck!

Still want more information? Here’s a great article by People Share on interviews with a recruiter.