Why you should always take an interview

Image of a notebook with the word recruitment depicting Always take an interview by Aurora Meyer on Dispatches from the Castle

I’m an advocate of always taking the recruiter, headhunter or friend’s call when it comes to potential job opportunities. You should always be willing to hear about what is available and more specifically why that person thinks you would be a good fit.

If you are offered an initial interview, I also advocate for taking it, even if you absolutely love your current job.

First, this will give you low-stakes interview practice, something every person needs.

Second, this will give you information about what skills and other tangible items are currently in demand in the marketplace.

Third, it could be the absolute best position in the world and perfect for you but you won’t know unless you go.

For those who may be worried about their current employer finding out, you do not have to tell them (unless you are contracted and do have to tell them) why you are taking the day off. Beyond that, a good supervisor will understand and maybe doing the same thing themselves. Furthermore, an organization sees you as replaceable. If you quit today, they would begin the process of finding someone to fill your role tomorrow. Unless you are contracted to do so, you do not owe your employer blind loyalty.

At least take the call, you won’t regret it.