Event planning tips



Editor’s Note: Here at Dispatches, we are always looking for ways to help our readers do things. For some of our readers, that means helping navigate the working world, for others, it means assisting in the ever challenging question,“what’s for dinner?” For still others, it means figuring out how to balance family life with everything else. In an effort to aid in all of these endeavors, we have collaborated on this article written specifically for our readers.

Events of all sizes can benefit from event marketing techniques. From opening new locations to host a client specific event, good planning and the tips below will help make sure your event is memorable in a good way. 


Spread the word far and wide
The first thing you absolutely must do is build buzz and invite people to attend the event. Consider having an RSVP event on Facebook and ask people to share their reservation. Use the event space to share behind the scenes items such as food, entertainment or the invitations. Make it about setting expectations. 

Make your brand stick
In addition to the usual peel and stick name tags, if this is a business event, consider making a specific name tag with your logo. Make sure you have plenty of business cards and consider, if appropriate, create a few brochures or banners. Click here to see other ideas.


Produce good talks
You might be introducing people or opening the event. Make sure you are able to give a quick elevator speech about the event and expectations and you and your business. Don’t be afraid to have a learning portion of the event and consider hosting topic specific panel discussion.

Talk to everyone in the room
You don’t want anyone to feel left out at an event you are hosting. Unless you’re hosting several hundred or thousand people at a large venue, take the time to say hello and meet everyone. if it is unrealistic for you to speak with every single person, consider bringing another person from your team or a brand ambassador


Always follow-up
If you promise that you’re going to call or email someone, just do it. Even if it doesn’t show much potential at all, by simply following on your promise, you’re generating good will. Follow up with them. If you want to remember details about the people you meet, do it on the spot. Write memorable details on the back of their business card after talking to them. It can help you slip in the personal references that make it clear you really were paying attention.

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