Resume Gaps

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A recent tweet from BrazenCareerist made me feel better about my own resume and gave me a sigh of relief. “Gaps in your resume are a good thing if they are filled w/ interesting projects and adventures. Makes you look more interesting. #HireFriday”

As a young journalist, I followed my then fiancée (now husband) to a new state practically half way across the country. Twice. This left me with some gaps in my resume.

Some older HR people frowned on these gaps and one recruiter flat-out told me it looked so bad the company would never consider me. This comment initially left me crushed. Then I realized, I probably didn’t want to work for this company if they were willing to judge me by the few months I wasn’t working instead of the time I was working.

While searching for a fulltime position, I waited tables and I freelanced as much as I could for whoever would pay me. Mostly, I realized just how much what I did for 40 hours a week defined me. The extra time allowed me to think about what I like and dislike about every job I’ve had and answer just about very interview question possible.

I truly hope that with today’s economy, those who frowned on my employment gaps have the sense to look beyond the gaps others may have.

3 thoughts on “Resume Gaps

  1. Yes!

    I am totally with you on that, Aurora (amazing name by the way, from one young woman born into a family of Disney lovers to another!). It is unfortunate that gaps on a résumé are often frowned upon, as you touch on in this post. It’s easy to feel like you’re getting the short end of the stick when unemployed, but instead of victimizing yourself, why not fill that time with interesting projects and chase your biggest dreams? I mean, when else can you cruise around Mexico on a deep sea fishing excursion or master that skill you’ve always wanted to (jungle rappelling, anyone)? I’m not going to say that picking yourself up off the ground after sending out several applications a day is entirely easy, but following your passions and taking advantage of your day are two things you cannot always do when consumed by a 40 hour per week job. Like you said, this time is beneficial for figuring out what you liked and did not like in your previous jobs in order to better prepare you for your future career, and plus, pursuing your hobbies is definitely a great way to keep sane 😉

    Take care, Aurora! I hope to chat with you soon 🙂
    Cheryl Elizaga

    1. Cheryl,
      I’m glad you can appreciate the Disney love! You make some very valid points and offer some great advice. I was in a bit of a different situation as my spouse was employed during both of my times of unemployment and we didn’t have the funds to allow me to jet set across the city, let alone world. I would have loved to have volunteered or been more active in some of my hobbies, but that wasn’t realistic. I used the time as best as I could and re-found running and a few other hobbies I’d let fall by the wayside for my career. I agree that finding ways to keep yourself sane should be a top priority.
      I look forward to chatting with you soon as well!

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