Job Search help

I’ve previously mentioned how important it is for you to tell everyone you know you’re looking for a job. But how exactly do you start that conversation?

You can’t just call or text your acquaintances and say, “Hey! I’m looking for a job in X field. Know anyone who is hiring?”

Be more subtle.

If the person is a professional acquaintance, offer to meet them for lunch or coffee. Find out how things are going in their office and talk about current trends. When they ask how things are going for you, be truthful. Tell them you just got laid off and are looking for something similar. Or completely different.

This gives the person the opportunity to offer help. If they don’t offer, ask. Ask if they would mind critiquing your resume, or letting you know if they hear of an opening at their firm or elsewhere.

The best way to get help is to ask for it, but be specific. If you aren’t getting any bites on your cover letter, have someone read it over. If your resume needs updating, ask someone who was recently hired to review it. If it’s been a few years since you went on an interview, have a friend mock interview you.

How have you asked for help from colleagues, friends and acquaintances during your job search?