Hospital Packing list

When you’re pregnant everyone has advice on what you should pack and take with you to the hospital.

Most of the advice was good and luckily for us specific to the hospital we were using, some of it was pretty outdated. Most people do not need change for the payphone or batteries for the camera anymore.

You’ll want to make sure you check with your hospital in case you need to bring any baby items. We were very lucky and the hospital provided everything we could need for our daughter.

Our list was a bit different because we knew the day our daughter would arrive. My handwritten list is below.

Baby Hospital Packing list

A very smart friend suggested one color clothing to make outfits easier. She also suggested dark colors because they are less likely to show any newborn-related liquid. I ended up going with black everything and colorful cardigans (most hospital rooms are chilly). One of the best purchases I made while pregnant was maternity yoga pants. They were dressy enough to wear to the office the last few weeks when nothing else fit and very comfortable. I lived in these for the first couple of days after our daughter was born.

Dark colors - Hospital packing list

In addition to chilly, hospital rooms tend to be very dry. Chapstick is a must. I used almost a whole tube while I was there.

Bringing my own pillow was a really great idea as the hospital pillows can be hard to come by. In retrospect, I would have added one for J. He unfortunately ended up pillow-less a few times. I also added last-minute a towel. Actually, a beach towel. The ones available were pretty flimsy and it was nice to wrap up in my own.

I also would make sure to add some snacks and a water bottle. The hospital provided me with a water bottle, but not one for J. He used a lot of the little cups. I got regular meals, but he had to fend for himself. By the second day (we ultimately had a four-day stay), we had a nice stock pile but those first few hours in our room would have been better if we hadn’t been starving.

Because I knew we would be staying a little bit longer than the average maternity stay, I also brought some chapstick and gum to add to the thank you notes I wrote the nurses who went above and beyond.


Baby List: 5 to 8 months


A lot has changed in just a few months. Baby A is now super mobile and thisclose to walking. With all those changes, our list of musts has changed too. The basics are still super important and we still use most of those every day. But in addition to the previous list, we have baby-proofed the house (and are working on house proofing the baby!), updated her wardrobe and learned a lot.

More Baby Proofing:


Teething necessities:


  • Fisher-Price Baby’s First Blocks and Rock Stack Bundle She loves these! The next toys we buy will be a set of wooden blocks!
  • Random ball she pulled into the cart at Babies R Us
  • Books we could swim in books. A has a bookshelf in her room that is nearly brimming with books. Board books for now and some chapter books for later. She is getting more and more interested in reading as she gets older.


  • We love the rash guard from Hanna Anderson for A’s swimming lessons. It’s great for the swim diapers and great for keeping ahold of a wiggly baby!
  • Munchkin Nursery Projector and Sound System, White This has replaced our on the go version except at school. We just needed something that wasn’t going to eat batteries every couple of days. This one plugs in. She is really ambivalent about the projector though.

Things A has outgrown or is quickly growing out of:
Swaddles – as soon as she could roll over we stopped using these. We tried the wearable blankets, but A wasn’t in to them. She now sleeps with a lovie and a very light blanket in her crib. Yes, she can roll over. yes, she can pull it away from her face. Yes, we check on her regularly throughout the night. Yes, she is still getting up a couple of times a night to nurse.

Nursing pillows – A just doesn’t like them anymore. Which means less work for me, so I’m all for it.

Play mat– pretty much as soon as A could roll over and crawl away, she became super uninterested in her playmat.

Jumper/Exersaucer –  She tolerates this still for short periods of time, but actually prefers her pack and play because she can pull up to standing and can move around.

Pacifiers – she can take them or leave them except at nap time and bed time. Sometimes she just doesn’t want them at all.


Baby List: what we use and what we don’t 5 months later

Ultimate Baby List

A few friends are super excited to welcome their new additions and have requested I share my list. Six months in with A and I can absolutely tell you what we’ve used and what we haven’t. So without further ado, the must have list is below followed by my specific recommendations.

  • crib
  • crib mattress
  • Changing pad
  • 3-4 fitted crib sheets
  • Sleep Sack (we have a few to try out and see what works best try out a few and see below for my specific suggestions)
  • Ultimate Crib Sheet/Quick Zip Crib Sheet from Clouds and Stars/ Summer Infant Ultimate Crib Sheet (read the reviews see what might work best for you). These can go over the fitted sheet to make late night messes easier
  • waterproof mattress pad (you want two)
  • humidifier
  • carbon monoxide detector specifically for baby’s room
  • 6 t shirts (side snap)
  • 4-6 sleepers/sleep and play
  • 1 sweater
  • 3 hats
  • 1 snowsuit/bunting for a winter baby (honestly, we just got a Car Seat Canopy)
  • 3 sets of washcloths and towels
  • 6 onesies (you’ll likely get these as gifts! and for the first two months A would not wear them)
  • 6 pants
  • 4 pairs of socks
  • 6 receiving and/or swaddling blankets
  • monitor
  • diaper pail (or a trash can with a lid)
  • Baby bath (there are a million kinds out there so pick one that will work for you)
  • feeding pillow
  • car seat – find one that will fit in your car and not make your front passenger have no leg room. I have a corolla so this was a bit more difficult than I imagined. A very smart friend suggested getting two bases so that the car seat could automatically go in either car. Then getting two rear to forward facing when she’s big enough.
  • diaper bag or tote bag for baby stuff and nursing stuff. You can go as fancy as you want.
  • Some sort of play mat
  • pack and play and/or rock and play sleeper
  • Swing

Now for the specifics of what we specifically loved and what we hardly used:
Nursery Needs

Clothes and Sleep essentials

Car Needs

Bath needs

Nursing needs


Babyproofing and Safety

Things we use occasionally or for a very limited time

Things we thought we would use more but actually didn’t (mostly because A let us know what her preferences were early on)