Networking is not a bad word!

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Recently, I overheard someone compare networking to using people, which is so not true! You offer those in the network the same opportunities and connections they offer you.

It is shocking that in 2010, with the current economy, people are not only not networking, but are refusing to acknowledge that who you know might be the difference between landing a job and remaining unemployed.

Networking is nothing more than cultivating business based friendships and acquaintances. This is something you should be doing whether or not you are looking for a new job.

At the minimum, networking makes you better at meeting people. Meeting and talking with a stranger is just like a job interview. You want to present your best side. The stranger may be your foot in the door at their employer or may know of an upcoming opening. If you never introduce yourself, you’re potentially missing out on excellent opportunities.

If you are uncomfortable with just walking up to someone and introducing yourself, find a mutual friend or colleague and ask her to introduce you.

According to this article from, “Studies indicate that the cost of hiring through ‘traditional’ methods (recruiters, want ads, and so on) range from $20,000–$40,000 per hire. In contrast, the cost of hiring through referrals and networks is $0. Studies have also found that those hired through referral and social networks—people known by others in the company—have less turnover and make more money than their counterparts hired through formal hiring methods.”

To be successful at networking, you need to have a standard introduction, usually your name, current position and an outside interest. Be prepared to shorten this to simply, “hi, I”m Aurora” in certain situations. Be memorable by asking questions of the person you are meeting such as, “how did you get into [field]?”

After meeting the person (and hopefully exchanging business cards!), be sure to write on the back where you met the person and a few details about what you talked about.

Don’t Forget Your Business Cards

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If you’re going to attend a lunch, networking event, volunteer activity and especially a conference, don’t forget your business cards. Business cards should be something you carry with you like your cell phone. They are an easy way to remind those you meet of how to contact you.

As I said in Follow Up with People You Meet, timing is everything. The sooner you can follow-up with those you meet, the more likely they are to remember you and vice versa.

Every time you meet someone is an opportunity to make a connection, either personally or professionally. You never know when someone is going to be searching for an expert in your field.

How do you feel about business cards? How do you keep track of all the people you meet?

Follow Up with People You Meet

I’ve been meeting lots of new people lately and I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the number of people who have followed up and at how quickly they have done so.

Following up can be as easy as sending an e-mail stating, “it was lovely to meet you and I wanted to make sure you had my contact information.” Please don’t hesitate to keep in touch. I’ve had vendors, co-workers and general contacts follow-up using this method and it is amazing how easy it is to add them to my address book.

Occasionally, the contact has e-mailed me just minutes after I’ve hung up the phone with them. Not only has this impressed me, but it makes me more likely to reach out to this person in the future.

This practice, has made me think about how easy it would be to begin this practice with people I meet at networking events and in general, not just professional contacts. I am more likely to remember people if I’ve met them more than once, even if it isn’t in person, and I hope the same rings true for those I meet.