Meeting for Meetings Sake

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I’m learning that there are some people who just love meetings. Every other suggestion is, “let’s have a meeting about this!”

While I truly believe in making sure everyone involved is on the same page, I don’t think it is necessary to have a meeting about every single topic or just because that time has already been blocked aside for a meeting. A simple phone call, email or face-to-face encounter can have better results than a staff-wide meeting.

I’ve been lucky enough to have supervisors who recognize the runaway meeting trait in others and kindly quash it before it gets out of control. These supervisors have understood that just because we have a regular Monday morning meeting, does not mean we have to have a Monday morning meeting every Monday, especially if nothing has changed.

Meetings can give the illusion of productivity, but in reality are often just wasted time keeping employees from accomplishing real work.

How do you feel about meetings?